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Penis Size – Love Your Penis!

It’s a common misconception, and widely held fear, that large penises rule the world of sexual happiness. In the reality of biology, 90% of erect penises measure 5-7 inches in length, and 1-2 inches in diameter. If you’re concerned that your penis is too small, you can rest assured that you are in good company.

In a land led by Texans, our media and culture tell us that bigger is better. But that can’t be true of all things, especially when it comes down to tools. For a moment, think of your penis as a tool. If it is too small, what is it too small for? Just like different tasks require different tools, many people prefer different penis sizes for different activities. Some people say they like large ones for oral sex, medium ones for vaginal sex, and small ones for anal sex. Still others have preferences in the exact opposite direction and everything in between.

Some people like the sensation of fullness that a larger penis can provide but there are many ways to achieve this sensation.

For some people, penis size doesn’t matter at all. In surveys about what women and men want in a lover, findings indicate that most people are looking for qualities like interpersonal connection with their partner, their partner’s attention and sensitivity to their body, and the ability to respond to their individual needs.

So if you want to please your partner, take time to learn about your partner’s body and find out what moves them. Take a load of worry off your pecker and just love it, it stands to bring you some of the best pleasure you’ve ever known.

Penis Extenders